Crochet Abbreviations Explained Learn The Lingo

Crochet Abbreviations Explained Learn The Lingo

Crochet Abbreviations Explained

Crochet abbreviations available in a neat table of crochet terms and abbreviations to refer to.

We have a cool download for you to keep on your computer, tablet or phone today. Or print it and keep it with your crochet tools and patterns.  Or stick it to the wall next to your favorite crochet chair.  

If you are fairly new to crochet or planning to start a crochet business, you might need to refer to this often, because when you start out, crochet terms and abbreviations can be difficult to both understand and remember.

Common Crochet Terms and Abbreviations

alt: alternate dnt: do not turn
approx: approximately dtr: double treble crochet
bl/bk lp: back loop ea: each
blo: back loop only fl: front loop
bpdc: back post double crochetflo: front loop only
beg: begin, beginningfp: front post
bet: between fpdc: front post double crochet
bp: back post fpsc: front post single crochet
bpdc: back post double crochetfptr: front post treble crochet
bpsc: back post single crochet fo: finish off, fasten off
bptr: back post treble crochet foll: following
CA: color A grp: group
CB: color Bhdc: ha lf double crochet
cc: contrasting color hk: hook
ch: chain HOTH: hot off the hook (just finished project)
ch­sp: chain space htr: half triple crochet
cl: cluster inc: increase
cont: continue ldc: linked double crochet
dc: double crochet lp(s): loop(s)
dc2tog: double crochet 2 stitches together mc: main color or magic circle
dec: decrease nxt: next
opp: opposite sl st: slip stitch
p or pc: picot sp: space
pat / patt: pattern st(s): stitch(es)
pm: place marker or stitch marker tch or t­ch: turning chain
prev: previous tbl: through back loop
rem: remainingtog: together
rep: repeat tr: triple or treble crochet
rib: ribbing trtr: t riple treble crochet
rnd: round WIP: work in progress
rs: right side Work even: Work in pattern already established
without increasing or decreasing stitches
rsc: reverse single crochet (crab stitch) ws: wrong side
sc: single crochet UFO: unfinished object
sc2tog: single crochet 2 stitches together v­st: V­stitch
sh: shell x: times. For example 2x means two times
sk: skip yo or yoh: yarn over or yarn over hook
sl knot: slip knot
[ ] = Repeat instructions within brackets
( ) = Repeat instructions within parenthesis
* = Repeat instructions within asterisks

In the download, you’ll find all the usual and common crochet terms that a beginner would need to know, along with a few more advanced stitches so that you’ll never need to look up something in future when your crochet skills grow.  

There are also a few blank spaces left where you can include any terms you see that aren’t familiar to you, or that are unique to a pattern you are working on.

If you are a beginner, you can find these articles helpful:

Crochet Abbreviations Explained Learn The Lingo

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Download Free PDF Crochet Abbreviations Here


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