Make a DIY Yarn Swift At Home | Video Tutorials

Make a DIY yarn swift at home. Ok, so not everyone has great woodworking skills or knows a man that does. As much as you loved the video tutorial on how to make your own yarn swift, we had a couple of readers ask if we had any other ideas for DIY that didn’t involve power tools and building from scratch.  Something simpler?  

Make Yarn Swift At Home Crochet Tools

Make a DIY Yarn Swift At Home 

Of course, you might have to sacrifice some style if you really want the easy and budget route to making your own yarn swift, but we’ve found a solution that should work for even the most DIY challenged.  Some people are just so ingenious!  Need is the mother of invention, as they say.

Make Yarn Swift At Home Crochet Tools

Now there’s no excuse for you to not buy yarn on skeins or hanks and wind them into balls or cakes at home.


Get your Yarn Swift materials here –>

Expanding Coat Rack Wooden With Pegs– buy a pack of two

Lazy Susan Turntable

Ball Winders

DIY Yarn Swift Video Tutorial

How To Make Your Own Yarn Swift - Crochet Tools

How To Make Your Own Yarn Swift crochet tool at home video Tutorial. We wrote previously and shared a video on how to correctly use a yarn swift and ball winder.

Used to create your own yarn balls at home. From either frogged (reclaimed and recycled) yarn or from hanks or skeins.  If you love to buy specialist yarns, hand dyed, luxury, premium or bulk yarns you might find that they come in hanks.

Which will need winding into balls unless you want to create a big mess trying to crochet right from the hank.

 It will open up a whole new world and range of yarns you might have been concerned about buying before.

Check out this DIY video on how to make your own yarn swift with power tools

Cheaper To Make Your own Yarn Swift Then To Buy

But yarn swifts can be expensive, and not within everyone’s budget if you are only going to use it from time to time.  The cheaper ones tend to be a bit flimsy too.

But if you are handy with some basic tools, or know a man who is, you can make a very nice and sturdy one yourself.  It is totally collapsible it folds up flat to take up very little room when it’s not being used.

AND it’s fully adjustable to fit hanks and skeins of all sizes.

DIY Yarn Swift video tutorial

Get out the power tools, raid the garage or DIY store for the right wood. You will soon be enjoying watching your own yarn swift spin round and round.  All the dimensions and materials you need are mentioned in the video so get a paper and pencil handy.

Does Your DIY Homemade Yarn Swift Work Well?

I hope that you enjoyed following either the video tutorial with or without power tools. Now you have your own homemade yarn swift.

Check out our article on how to use the yarn winder and yarn swift, there are also some reviews of our favorite yarn swifts and ball winders in 2023.


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